Altus flute 1107
Altus flute 1107

altus flute 1107

As the two men had very much in common with regards to their interest in music, flutes, and flutemaking, as well as the antique and vintage flutes of the past, their friendship grew into a mutual collaboration. It was around this time that he was introduced to the world class flutist, William Bennett (1977). Louis Lot Flutes and sought to develop a similarly inspiring modern flute that would offer a complimentary range of tone colors, with ample capacity for resonance, accurate intonation, and mechanical strength. He was most inspired by the best qualities and unique characteristics of some of the older and traditional fine flutes - ex. With his flutemaking skills and knowledge continuously rising to higher levels, he began to have a strong desire to become an independent flutemaker and develop an instrument based upon his own instincts. Tanaka had a keen insight into the needs of flutists with regards to their instruments.

altus flute 1107

With his acquired knowledge as an experienced flutist and musician, Mr. After several years with the Muramatsu flutemakers, he accepted a position with Miyazawa Flutes, where he was responsible for notable improvements that would set the directional course for that company for the next two years. (Today, he is now considered one of the most famous headjoint sculptors and is widely acclaimed as one of the world's most respected flutemakers). Already an accomplished flutist, it seemed only natural that his innate talents would lead his skills and interests towards the sculpting of headjoints in addition to the art of flutemaking. where he began at 20 years of age to learn the art of flutemaking. Takohashi, he developed a sincere interest into the characteristics and technical aspects of flutes and was soon referred by his teacher to the Muramatsu Manufacturing, Inc. Tanaka began his serious flute studies at 16 years of age under the tutelage of the renowned Japanese teacher and performer Toshui Takohashi. A man who is as unique as his flutes, he is abundantly knowledgeable and diverse as an artist, flutist-musician, engineer, businessman, and most notably as a master flutemaker. Shuichi Tanaka is admired throughout the world for his fine talents as a flutemaker. Related to the latin root - alu, alere, alui, altum - to nourish, to support, to strengthen, to increase, to make grow, to promote and advance. Altus (al-tus) = (Latin) The highest in development, point of culmination, grown, great, high, noble, high born, of high character, to have high aims, to look deep, ëAltus of timeí - reaching far back, ancient ëAltus of heightí - high heaven ëAltus of the seaí - the deep sea.

Altus flute 1107